Behaviour change

In order to manage your weight you need to think about changing the behaviours which have caused you to gain weight.

On a typical slimming plan, you are asked to change a number of different aspects of your eating all at once, for example eating different types of food and eating less of them.

For many people, each one of these changes it difficult enough. They feel overwhelmed by the number of changes they have to make and will often give up before they start.

Setting yourself small achievable goals means that you are more likely to succeed.


"A goal without a plan is just a wish." Antoine de Saint-Exupery French writer (1900 - 1944)

SMART goals can help you make changes to your activity, or anything else, by breaking down the changes you want into small achievable steps. SMART stands for

SMART goal

A vague goal would be 'I'll exercise at home sometimes." Below is a SMART alternative.

SMART goal example

At the end of two weeks, if this person has achieved their goal, they could try adding some new exercises or increasing the amount they were doing by setting a new SMART goal.

There is blank goal sheet below if you would like to try setting a SMART goal.

Example of SMART goal:

To eat a total of five portions of fruit and vegetable every day

Specific steps to reach goal:

  • To buy more fruit and fewer biscuits when I go shopping
  • To take a piece of fruit to work each day
  • To start every meal with a small salad on at least 3 days of the week
  • To have some dried fruit after my meal on at least 2 days of the week
  • To try new recipes using different kinds of fruit and vegetables
Download SMART goal sheet as a Word document
Download SMART goal sheet as a PDF