Other sources of support

Unfortunately Weight Concern is unable to offer advice to individuals.

However you may find it useful to investigate the services available to you in your local health service.

Information is usually available via your GP's surgery, your doctor or practice nurse may be able to advise you what's on offer in terms of weight management support. This varies between areas, but may include:

A practice nurse

- who can offer lifestyle advice and regular support

A local weight management group

- either within the practice run by health professionals (often practice nurses or dietitians) or other local commercial groups (e.g. Slimming World, Weight Watchers) are now establishing link-ups with NHS services.

A dietitian

- who can offer more specialist, individualised advice for managing your weight

An exercise referral scheme

- delivered by exercise specialists usually within local leisure services

Community-based schemes

- promoting health e.g. healthy cooking sessions, healthy lifestyle clinics, walking for health programmes

How can I access specialist services?

If you have already tried the approaches listed above, you may find you need further help from specialists working in weight management. This is most likely to be a specialist dietitian working in your local community, or referral to a centre (sometimes called an obesity centre or clinic) with professionals in a specialist team. Your GP may be able to refer you to these options.

What to expect after having gained access to further help and support

When you visit a specialist dietitian or centre, you will undergo a clinical assessment followed by discussions about the treatment options that might be appropriate, and available to you. The most common options are:

  • dietary treatments
  • supported physical activity programmes
  • lifestyle change skills
  • weight loss medicines
  • surgery

Online support - particularly for men

Sometimes men find it difficult to get involved in weight management programmes as services often seem designed for women. Man V Fat is a support website and a free digital magazine which may be a useful tool to support men with weight loss.

Useful links:

NHS - Direct

NHS Direct will guide you on how to find out about your local NHS services. You can look-up your nearest Doctor or find out your local Primary Care Trust (PCT) where various weight management services may be in place. Please note services vary between trusts, so it is advisable to contact your local PCT directly.

Best Health - clinical evidence for patients from the BMJ

Best Treatment is dedicated to providing information on the most effective treatments for obesity and weight management. The information on diet, exercise and behaviour therapy may be of particular use. It may be useful to read this information prior to visiting your doctor.