What Might Get In The Way?

Deciding to become more physically active is going to affect your life somewhat, so it is important to think of the costs as well as the benefits.

There are many reasons why starting to become more physically active can be difficult, below are some of the common reasons given to Weight Concern.

"I don't have enough time to do any activity"
  • Exercise early in the mornings, before doing anything else
  • Prioritise - think about what you would have spent the time doing otherwise
  • Think about what you can do with the extra energy you get from leading a more active lifestyle
  • Watch less television
"I'm too tired to exercise"
  • Most people find that exercise energises them/li>
  • Try doing activities that don't require much effort but help you feel less lethargic, like walking/li>
  • Challenge yourself by doing five minutes of activity before deciding that you are too tired
"Who will look after the children?"
  • It is just as important for your children to be active – try to make exercise a family thing
  • Walk to school with your children
  • Play active games with your children
  • Go on a family bike ride
  • Choose at-home activities such as gardening or fitness videos